The aim of sports massage is to allow your body to work to its full potential through varied effective techniques.
The human body is one of the most intelligent things on this planet and it has a very clever way of protecting itself. Problems occur when tissues become im-balanced and start to cause inefficient movement patterns, if left these can lead to tension headaches, joint and muscle injuries, poor posture, neck and spine issues etc.
Sports massage is a form of bodywork. It is used to help prevent injuries, to prepare the body for activity and maintain it in optimal condition, and to help athletes recover from workouts and injuries.
• Promotes recovery from injury
• Eases stiffness in tired and damaged muscles
• Alleviates the effects of stress and tension
• Increases mobility, allowing freedom of movement
• Provides pain relief and reduces swelling
• reducing the occurrence of repeat injuries
• Improves and stimulates circulation
• Identifies potential problem areas, preventing injury
• Promotes improved performance of sporting activity
• Increases endurance
• Improves posture
• Helps aid relaxation
RockTape is a special kind of tape known as kinesiology tape. First used by acupuncturists and chiropractors in Japan, today kinesiology tape is used by practitioners throughout the world to treat injuries and improve sports performance.
• Taping is the use of elastic strips of fabric attached to the surface of the skin.
• Effective in providing enhanced kinesthetic awareness
• Can improve blood flow, lymphatic drainage to a localized area.
RockBlades are comprised of two precision-engineered and manufactured soft-tissue instruments: a “Mallet” and a “Mullet,” - Every detail of RockBlades – each edge, angle and contour – was carefully cultivated and refined over the course of two years.
• Reduces pain
• Promotes Healing
• Reduces fascial restriction
• Stimulates the repair process
Dry needling is a modern treatment designed to ease muscular pain. Acupuncture has been used for a number of conditions for thousands of years.
• Reducing or eliminating muscular trigger points.
• Synergistically works well with muscle therapy, fascial work, cupping.
• Minimize or eliminate pain.